Thursday, April 3, 2014


This is my new favorite quote. It applies to my life in so many ways right now. One example of this would be, the weather. I love spring, and it should be spring, but, its snowing. But in a more mental sense of this quote, every one has bad days. Sometimes we have bad weeks or even bad months. But we must remember that trials come and go, and that "everybody wants happiness and no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

This week has been...awful, so to say. I am getting so behind on all of my school work and I have been feeling quite frustrated and hopeless. Ya know? That feeling where you feel like you can't do anything about anything. Its hard to push past these feelings but once again, "everybody wants happiness and no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Christ Lives!

“In order for your faith to lead you to salvation, it must be centered in the Lord Jesus Christ. … You can exercise faith in Christ when you have an assurance that He exists, a correct idea of His character, and a knowledge that you are striving to live according to His will” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 54).

Seminary today was incredible! We studied about Christ and having faith in him. We watched this video, which made me almost cry.- 

And I was asked to write how I would feel being there when he came to heal the people and bless the little children. And what I would ask to be healed from. Here's what I said:

There are no words that can express how I would feel. My joy would be so full, seeing him heal others, and his love for all. I feel like I might feel inadequate, like I wouldn't deserve to be healed or blessed. But I know he would heal me and he would show his love and I wouldn't even be able to comprehend the joy and the emotion I would feel. If he were to heal me, I would probably ask him to help with my ankles. I have weak ankles, so they sprain easily. Because I have sprained both now, they act up and it's painful. I'd also ask for help with my emotions. Then one of the bigger ones would be that ever since I was 5 I have had a skin condition called psoriasis, it doesn't hurt unless I scratch at it, but it's been on my skin for a long time and it just gets annoying. The fact that he could heal that amazes me. I would feel almost as if I did not deserve for him to take away those things, but I know he would. I know right now though in my life, even though I can't see him, if I have faith and pray for him to help me with the pain in my ankles, or help me feel love towards my siblings..he will heal me. He will help with my pains and my sorrows if only there is faith. He will answer all prayers with love and his healing power, if we but ask in faith. 

Christ lives, and he loves us! He is always there for us and will  heal us from our pains and afflictions. If you are struggling, pray. And he will pour out his great love to you! You will feel the comfort you need and experience the feeling of his compassion for you. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


This week, (and part of last week) my goal was to stop wasting time and start using to productively. I feel like I accomplished it pretty well. I read three books, made a movie, spent time with family, made a new friend, studied for vanguard better then usual, participated more in class, and read my scriptures more effectively. I found that I had even more time on my hands then usual! For example, today I was done with my schoolwork by 3:45. I felt so good! I really enjoy goal making (especially SMART goals) and being able to accomplish something that I set for myself to accomplish. I love this quote be C. S. Lewis "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream..."
-Dassia :D

Power of Prayer :)

This quote really matches me lately. On Friday I sprained my right ankle, I was extremely sad because there is so much I'm involved in. I realized I wouldn't be able to drive, ballroom dance, or practice my play much for awhile. These were things I didn't want to give up, but I was in so much pain it hurt to stand, it hurt to even move my foot just a bit. So I got down on my knees(the best I could) and I prayed. It took me awhile to get to sleep that night, but my prayer was answered and I got some good sleep. I woke up and it was well enough for me to walk barely. I wanted to go in and get my foot checked but my parents weren't sure that was the best idea at first, they said to just soak it in Redmond clay and Epsom salts. I felt they were right and I should, so I did. The next day, I felt I needed to wear my brace and just continue trying to walk on it. That day was Fast Sunday. So I bore my testimony on the power of prayer and my prayer was answered. I was given a blessing and was promised to be healed. Today, I can walk almost normal on it. Though the pain is still there, it's gotten a lot better. Because I had faith, my prayer was answered. And because my prayer was answered, my faith was strengthened(it's SO cool how that works!) I know that Gordon B. Hinckley was right when he said "If life gets too hard to stand, kneel." In this case I actually couldn't stand, and I kneeled. And because of that, I am walking with almost no pain, and my faith in the power of prayer is greatly built up. I know that if we pray in faith, we will be blessed. Our answer will come, and we will heal from whatever pain we are experiencing. If life gets too hard to stand, kneel! :)