Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Temples :)

"May share with you the account of Tihi and Tararaina Mou Tham and their 10 children. The entire 
family except for one daughter joined the Church in the early 1960s, when missionaries came to their island, located about 100 miles (160 km) south of Tahiti. Soon they began to desire the blessings of an eternal family sealing in the temple.
At that time the nearest temple to the Mou Tham family was the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, 
more than 2,500 miles (4,000 km) to the southwest, accessible only by expensive airplane travel. The large Mou Tham family, which eked out meager living on small plantation, had no money for 
airplane fare, nor was there any opportunity for employment on their Pacific island. So Brother Mou Tham and his son GĂ©rard madethe difficult decision to travel 3,000 miles (4,800 km) towork in New Caledonia, where another son was already employed.
The three Mou Tham men labored for four years.Brother Mou Tham alone returned home only once during that time, for the marriage of daughter.
After four years, Brother Mou Tham and his sons had saved enough money to take the family to the New Zealand Temple. All who were members went except for one daughter, who was expecting 
baby. They were sealed for time and eternity, an indescribable and joyful experience.
Brother Mou Tham returned from the temple directly to New Caledonia, where he worked for two 
more years to pay for the passage of the one daughter who had not been at the temple with them—a married daughter and her child and husband.
In their later years Brother and Sister Mou Tham desired to serve in the temple. By that time the 
Papeete Tahiti Temple had been constructed and dedicated, and they served four missions there.3
My brothers and sisters, temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and 
fasting. They are built of trials and testimonies. They are sanctified by sacrifice and service." -Thomas S. Monson 
I love this story! Temples are so important! And the sacrifices we make for them impact our lives for eternity. What we can do in them is sacred and spiritual for our lives. They help us become closer to God and be happier in our every day life. The covenants we make are eternal. Through them we can be with our families for eternity. This is especially dear to my heart knowing I can one day see my daddy again and be with him and my family for eternity. Because of Christ and His sacrifice for us we can have temple marriage and make special covenants which qualify us for eternal life and salvation. I'm so grateful for temples and can't wait for my special day to enter with my husband and be sealed in a beautiful castle, for time and all eternity<3

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Draw nearer to God as He draws nearer to you:)

“Your Heavenly Father knows that you will make mistakes. He knows that you will stumble—perhaps many times. This saddens Him, but He loves you. He does not wish to break your spirit. On the contrary, He desires that you rise up and become the person you were designed to be.
“To that end, He sent His Son to this earth to illuminate the way and show us how to safely cross the stumbling blocks placed in our path. He has given us the gospel, which teaches the way of the disciple. It teaches us the things we must know, do, and be to walk in His light, following in the footsteps of His Beloved Son, our Savior.
“Yes, we will make mistakes.
“Yes, we will falter.
“But as we seek to increase our love for God and strive to love our neighbor, the light of the gospel will surround and uplift us. The darkness will surely fade, because it cannot exist in the presence of light. As we draw near to God, He will draw near to us” (“The Hope of God’s Light,” Ensign orLiahona, May 2013, 75–76).

God loves us. I think in life we all put ourselves down. We all think sometime that He won't forgive us. That we have made too many mistakes for Him to even love us. But that, is NOT true. God will love us no matter what He'll help us up when we fall and He is pleased when we rise up like it said. It is hard to find light in the darkness, but it is not impossible. God has provided the way and He wants to help! We just have to make the CHOICE now to let Him. 
He's always there. 
He love you. 
And He will NEVER forsake you.
Don't give up. God loves you. YOU're amazing!:)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Book of Mormon :)

“A 14-year-old girl … said that she had been discussing religion with one of her friends at school. Her friend said to her, ‘What religion do you belong to?’
“She replied, ‘The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons.’
“Her friend replied, ‘I know that church, and I know it’s not true.’
“‘How do you know?’ came the reply.
“‘Because,’ said her friend, ‘I have researched it.’
“‘Have you read the Book of Mormon?’
“‘No,’ came the answer. ‘I haven’t.’
“Then this sweet young girl responded, ‘Then you haven’t researched my church, because I have read every page of the Book of Mormon and I know it’s true’” (“The Book of Mormon—a Book from God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 76).
As we live life, we will be faced with times that our testimony is tried. Like this 14 year old, we should stand for what we believe in and not be afraid to be who we are. I have read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, and I know it is true. And I challenge you all to do the same, read it, study it, and pray/ponder about its truthfulness. And you will be blessed with answers in your life and strength when you are weak. Love you all!<3 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Never be afraid to be YOU :D

I figured we needed another post so... :)

I've found when I move to new areas, or meet new people, I close up. It's hard to be outgoing when you feel shy. But there are times you should be able to be yourself and not worry. When I moved into this new ward, I was extremely shy. I was angry at the fact that I had to flip everything in my life upside down. I have now lived here 9 months and I have made friends with amazing home school friends. Around them, I can be myself. But I still find as I go to our ward, I still feel unwelcome. I feel judged and alone, and because of the way I am, I can't open up easily. But as I've prayed and thought about it, I've found it doesn't matter what they think of me. It doesn't matter if I feel welcome or loved. I can be myself, if they don't like who I am, it is okay. Because I am me, and I should be proud to be who I am. Each day I can improve my flaws, make mistakes, learn from them, and be proud of who I'm becoming. I've learned that even though I don't feel loved by these YW, I can make a difference, and show them that I care. If I go to church with a willing heart, one that I want to help and uplift others, I will be blessed. So as you go to new places, and face new challenges, don't be afraid to be yourself. The scriptures say love your enemies, do good to them that hurt you. As you go about your day, do good. Show those around you the love that is needed, who knows, they may need it more than you think. Let the light of Christ shine through you, and show others they are loved. Even when you feel you don't matter, teach others that they do. Lift them up and show them you care. You will feel the love needed by doing these things. And most importantly, be YOURSELF. Don't be afraid to be who you are!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


This is my new favorite quote. It applies to my life in so many ways right now. One example of this would be, the weather. I love spring, and it should be spring, but, its snowing. But in a more mental sense of this quote, every one has bad days. Sometimes we have bad weeks or even bad months. But we must remember that trials come and go, and that "everybody wants happiness and no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

This week has been...awful, so to say. I am getting so behind on all of my school work and I have been feeling quite frustrated and hopeless. Ya know? That feeling where you feel like you can't do anything about anything. Its hard to push past these feelings but once again, "everybody wants happiness and no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."
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